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What does it mean to be reformed?
Bruce MellerThe Presbyterian Church of Australia is said to be a “reformed” church. What does that mean?
Those fires!
Bruce MellerThose fires As I write, Los Angeles burns. Initial figures are staggering. Upwards of 24 people are dead, 180,000 are evacuated, 10,000 properties destroyed, billion dollar bills escalate, and there is untold damage to fauna,...
To Grasp or to Give?
Bruce MellerGod’s example of giving is also our motive to give. Because he has given, we are freed up to give. His grace gives the security that enables us to open our hearts and hands with...
The agenda and mission of the church
Bruce MellerThe agenda and mission of the church By world standards Australia is a great place to live. We do not have the political violence, wars, and other problems that affect many globally. We remain ‘the...
Who has the last laugh?
Bruce Meller(Edited form of a devotional given at a gathering of PCA leaders on religious freedom in May 2024.) As Jesus warned, Christians have long faced hostility in various forms and to various degrees (John 15:18-19)....
Light to the Inland
Bruce MellerWhat would we say if we heard that a population the size of Tasmania had a drought of faithful gospel witness? (Yes – that is inland Australia beyond the hinterland of the cities that hold...
That troublesome resurrection
Bruce MellerThat troublesome resurrection The resurrection of Jesus Christ is troublesome for many. The apostles struggled to believe it (Mrk 16:13-14; Lke 24:8-12, 13-25). The Jewish religious leaders rejected the message that ended with resurrection (eg....
Giving as any had need – PresAid
Bruce MellerGiving as any has need – PresAid The Bible gives a photograph in words of the early church at Jerusalem (Acts 2:42-47). Their activities quickly took a lovely balance with a mix of learning from...
I still call Australia home?
Bruce MellerAustralia Day 2024 has become a source of controversy. Politicians, and even the Australian men’s cricket captain, have intervened with varied views. Whether we go to this or that store and buy patriotic goods...
Counting down to 2024
presdata.adminOur news screens have recently been dominated by stories of the attacks on Israel and the response from Israel. We may feel helpless, but we can do that most practical thing and pray to our...
Reality, truth, and values
presdata.adminOur news screens have recently been dominated by stories of the attacks on Israel and the response from Israel. We may feel helpless, but we can do that most practical thing and pray to our...
Call to Prayer
presdata.adminOur news screens have recently been dominated by stories of the attacks on Israel and the response from Israel. We may feel helpless, but we can do that most practical thing and pray to our...
Our Services of Worship
presdata.adminThe longest, and most contested debate at the September 2023 meeting of the General Assembly was about services of worship. Specifically: can a service of worship include an acknowledgement of country. The Assembly readily acknowledged...
“Acknowledgement of Country” in church contexts
presdata.adminDear Brothers and Sisters, When the General Assembly of Australia (GAA) met recently, it considered a report about “Acknowledgement of Country” in church contexts. The report and decision have attracted attention in the Christian media,...
GAA 2023
presdata.adminExposition Three: Rev Eugene Hor
A Conversion, A Deliverance and A Salvation
Acts 16:11-40
GAA 2023
presdata.adminExposition Two: Rev Eugene Hor
The Unstoppable Good News of Jesus
Acts 12:1-24
GAA 2023
presdata.adminExposition One: Rev Eugene Hor
The Culturally Inclusive Nature of the Gospel
Acts 8:26-40
Moderator’s Address 2023
presdata.adminMessage delivered by Rev David Burke , Moderator General of the Presbyterian Church of Australia 2023-2026.
Everything in its Season
presdata.adminLife under the sun, without God, is ‘habel’, which is a Hebrew word which describes what is ‘vanity’, ‘meaningless’, or ‘vaporous’ (Eccles.1:2-3). The Christian will have his moments, but the same book of Scripture says...
Speaking with Two Voices
presdata.adminIn John Bunyan’s classic, The Pilgrim’s Progress, there is a character Mr Facing Both Ways who lives in the village of Fair Speech. Bunyan is exposing one of the temptations in life which is to...
Standing as a Minority
presdata.adminAll our lives we are cajoled to believe that the majority of people carry an aura of moral authority and compelling conviction. Being part of a minority makes us feel isolated and uneasy; being with...
Jesus and Australians
presdata.adminChristians read of Jesus Christ: ‘Him we proclaim’ (Col.1:28), but what do Australians, and many in the Western world, think of Him? Of course, they think many and various things. John Dickson cites some statistics...
Media Manipulation
presdata.adminThe King James Version of the Bible in Mark 2:4 says that the people could not get near (or ‘come nigh to’) Jesus because of ‘the press’, which, of course, was referring to the crowd...
Three Problems Resolved
presdata.adminCalvin begins his Institutes of the Christian Religion with the comment that ‘Nearly all the wisdom we possess, that is to say, true and sound wisdom, consists of two parts: the knowledge of God and...
How to give ourselves without preaching ourselves
presdata.adminMinistering the gospel in a godly way is not just difficult but impossible. To the Thessalonian Christians, Paul spoke of himself as like a nursing mother (1 Thess.2:7) and also like a father (1 Thess.2:11)....
Christ Divides
presdata.adminIt is a startling and counter-intuitive thought that Christ Jesus came into the world to usher in hostility and trouble and controversy. Surely we have enough of that already. Yet He tells us clearly that...
Threat to Christian Education from ARLC review
presdata.adminPresbyterian Church of Australia, Church and Nation Committee The Federal government will almost certainly seek to amend Anti-Discrimination Legislation so that religious schools lose current exemptions which allow them to have enrolment and employment policies...
Rapid Antigen Testing: A Way Forward
presdata.adminThe lockdowns associated with COVID-19 have had the effect of straining relationships in a number of places, and the church has not escaped. The threat that worshippers in NSW churches will require vaccine passports before...
Living for Eternity
presdata.admin‘All that is not eternal is eternally out of date,’ said C. S. Lewis. It is one of those fresh and startling comments that Lewis was prone to make. We live in a world which...
History and the Human Heart
presdata.adminHeresies do not appear as mushrooms overnight. The Presbyterian Church in America – a body whom we would regard as a sister Church – has gone through a few disturbances, especially since the Revoice conference...
Silver and Gold have I None
presdata.adminThose who know the Scriptures – or Scripture in Song – will recognise the heading as coming from Peter’s words to the lame man who had been lying by the Beautiful Gate, as part of...
Wrong Paradigm, Wrong Diagnosis, Wrong Solution
presdata.adminOur response to the world needs to embrace more than lament, but a deep malaise has descended upon contemporary Western society. There is a hardness of heart, but a softness in the head; a trivialisation...
Where to From Here ? – Victorian Law
presdata.adminTo the congregations of the Presbyterian Church of Australia, February 2021 The Change or Suppression (Conversion) Practices Prohibition Bill has now passed through both houses of the Victorian parliament. It forbids any attempt to change...
Release From a COVID Christmas
presdata.adminThe book of Isaiah is commonly understood to contain four Servant Songs, the best-known being Isaiah 52:13-53:12, which is that of the Suffering Servant. However, Isaiah 61 is surely a fifth Servant Song. Amongst other...
People and the Reformation
presdata.adminOctober 31 is remembered in some places, not as the wretched Halloween Day, as the date when, in 1517, Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses in Latin to the Castle Church door in Wittenberg in...
Knowing our Limitations
presdata.adminIf anyone is looking for suitable reading in lockdown – or in wild freedom, for that matter – Blaise Pascal’s Pensées is indeed food for the soul and for the intellect. Blaise Pascal (1623-1662) was...
Forgiveness in Three Images
presdata.adminChristians always want to understand the world better than it understands itself in order that we can comment on it with light and understanding. However, we are members of another kingdom (Phil.3:20-21) ruled by a...
The One Thing Needful
presdata.adminThere are seasons in life when the light shines a little more brightly, and all looks rather clearer, even if all is not peace and tranquility. As Jesus came to the home of the sisters,...
Pressing on or Treading Water?
presdata.adminThere is still a strange eerie feeling about the community at the moment. It was present during the bushfires, and it is still here with the coronavirus. If normal life was all about parties, crowds,...
Christians Responding to the Pandemic
presdata.adminIt seems that there is but one topic of conversation these days: COVID-19. If we are not suffering from the virus, we must be suffering from fatigue as a result of news about the virus....
The Great Issues of the Day, and the Greatest Issue of All Time
presdata.adminIt seems that we are constantly swamped with the great issues of the day – droughts, then fires, then floods, then plague. The history of the world can be read as the history of one...
The Curse of Plague; the Blessing of Faith
presdata.adminDr Samuel Johnson is supposed to have written to a hopeful would-be author: ‘Your manuscript is both good and original; but the part that is good is not original, and the part that is original...
Religious Discrimination or Religious Revival?
presdata.adminIn any society the legal system plays an important role in steering people in the way we should treat one another. Increasingly, in modern Western societies, those who seek to maintain the legal system have...
A Straw in the Wind
presdata.adminStuart Briscoe once noted: ‘Qualifications of a pastor: the mind of a scholar, the heart of a child, and the hide of a rhinoceros.’ In fact, they come close to describing what all Christians need...
Our Times are in God’s Hands
presdata.adminAs Christmas 2019 approaches, many of us have a sense that the world has almost tilted on its axis. There are droughts and bushfires in the natural sphere, and in the civil sphere we have...
Greatly Beloved of God
presdata.adminThere is an episode in the book of Daniel where a man – presumably an angel – appeared to the prophet, and addresses him as ‘O Daniel, man greatly loved’ (Dan.10:11). Not many human beings...
Droughts, Fires and Other Disasters
presdata.adminSome readers may have struggled with the drought for years, and now, especially in NSW and Queensland, may be confronted with the more immediate threat of fire. Television brings the story to the wider population,...
What Should a Church Look Like?
presdata.adminThe apostle Jude said that he was very eager to write on one subject – our common salvation – when he found it necessary to write against who were assailing the faith which was once...
O church of God – rise up and pray
presdata.adminI live in Sydney, a beautiful city, what a pleasure to show friends from overseas around the harbour, the beaches and the mountains. And yet, like all believers, my home is the eternal city which...
A day in the life of an Assembly junkie
presdata.adminI live in Sydney, a beautiful city, what a pleasure to show friends from overseas around the harbour, the beaches and the mountains. And yet, like all believers, my home is the eternal city which...
Lending to the Lord …
presdata.adminRemember Tabitha of Joppa (Acts 9) … “always doing good and helping the poor”, otherwise known as Dorcas? I found a Dorcas when least expected, among the swirling crowds and cacophony that is India. Let...
The drawing power of our loving Saviour
presdata.adminA magnet draws iron to itself. You’ve seen a great magnet held over a little box of sawdust and iron filings? As it comes within a certain range, the air seems electric and the little...
Good Friday – not just good, but glorious
presdata.adminChildhood impressions linger, don’t they? I’m so grateful for (most of) them. My earliest memory of 1950s church life is full of happy thoughts, good people and full Sundays. Sunday mornings, afternoons and evenings –...
A cord of three strands or a rope of sand?
presdata.adminThe proverb says: “A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.” Meaning: it’s better to work together than alone. Rope is made by stretching out very long strands of yarn and twisting and braiding...
A tale of two lives …
presdata.adminI live in Sydney, a beautiful city, what a pleasure to show friends from overseas around the harbour, the beaches and the mountains. And yet, like all believers, my home is the eternal city which...
“We sent soldiers …”
presdata.admin“We sent soldiers, to invade; but you send missionaries, to love”. From the lips of a gentle and humble Japanese pastor to a surprised Aussie moderator … this unexpected admission got my attention. Although almost...
Where are we headed?
presdata.adminIn the postscript to C S Lewis’ classic (Screwtape Letters), the senior devil proposes a toast at the annual dinner of the Tempters’ Training College for young devils. With tongue-in-cheek satire, Lewis makes some amazing...
Send your pastor away
presdata.adminWhen was the last time you told your pastor to go away? Or better still … sent him away? … that is, sent him away to a pastor’s conference? Sure, your pastor can do this...
When a Muslim village makes a bid for your daughter …
presdata.adminWhen Paul writes to Timothy, “Continue in what you have learned … because you know those from whom you learned it”, he’s referring to his grandmother and mother. In Timothy’s childhood, it was the faith...
When the church lets you down
presdata.adminIn the C S Lewis classic (Screwtape Letters), senior devil whispers to his apprentice: “one of our greatest allies at present is the church itself”. Screwtape is aghast that Wormwood’s patient has become a Christian,...
Like a cup of cold water is good news from a distant land
presdata.adminFrom Edinburgh to Lusaka: could there be a sharper cultural shift? I moved from one sister church in the mother country to another in central Africa. I entered Zambia to be greeted with the warm...
Mother, sister or cousin?
presdata.adminJesus asked: “Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?” Pointing to his disciples, he said, “Here are my mother and my brothers. For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and...
Resurrection … you can stake your life on it
presdata.adminBurying my aunt – the senior member of the Wilson clan – focussed my mind sharply. Our family met last week in a medieval Cotswolds church, and these words rang out clearly: ‘in sure and...
Debate or theatre?
presdata.adminI love our political process and I love the freedom we have in Australia to engage in it. There are many places in the world where old men cling to power without regard to the...
Discouraged? – count tiles on housetops
presdata.adminI engage in the strangest pursuits. On tour through Germany last year, in the old-town section of Worms, I counted roof-tiles, wondering how many I could see. Back in 1521, Martin Luther was on his...
Perspective for the new year – 2018
presdata.admin“One faith, one Lord, one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all” (Ephesians 4). My diary entry for 27 August … Words cannot adequately describe the exquisite...
Time to shine – responding to the trifecta
presdata.adminI live in Sydney, a beautiful city, what a pleasure to show friends from overseas around the harbour, the beaches and the mountains. And yet, like all believers, my home is the eternal city which...
Pastoral Statement within the Denomination
presdata.adminI live in Sydney, a beautiful city, what a pleasure to show friends from overseas around the harbour, the beaches and the mountains. And yet, like all believers, my home is the eternal city which...
Under strict medical circumstances
presdata.admin(John and Paula Wilson are leading the reformation tour on behalf of our denomination, in John’s absence past Moderator General, David Cook writes this month’s column). When abortion law reform was introduced through Australian State...
Presbyterian response to the announced postal marriage plebiscite
presdata.adminThe 2016 GAA resolved as follows: Min 67.8 “The General Assembly urges congregations to support the ‘No’ case in opposing the redefinition of marriage.” Without binding consciences, please read the following as a request from...
Ready to give an answer
presdata.adminWe may have read last month of a renowned American Christian author being interviewed on the subject of Same-Sex Marriage (SSM). He gave an uncertain answer on the subject, and the next day he had...
This is the day
presdata.admin10.00am, forty years ago, the words of Psalm 118 rang out in Scots’ Church Sydney: ‘This is the day the LORD has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.’ Today, Friday 23rd June...
Forty-forty vision
presdata.adminThursday 22nd June marks forty years of a refocused and refreshed church. The Presbyterian Church of Australia (PCA) is almost unrecognisable from what it was in the 1960s. I suggest each congregation might pause during...
Mainstream … or on the margins?
presdata.adminIf ever we could have considered the church to be a core part of Australian culture (and that’s not at all certain), the Christian church is now being slowly edged to one side. It is...
Is the cross sufficient?
presdata.adminPaul thought it was. Let’s do a cross-check on this (pun intended) – the greatest Christian who’s ever lived – what did he say? Among other things: Galatians 6:14 ‘May I never boast except in...
There’s a brick in there!
presdata.adminJournalist Paul McGeough writes: ‘Trump joins the parade of strongmen’. He was referring of course to other world leaders particularly of Russia, North Korea, Philippines and China. We’re hearing fresh reports every day of outbursts,...
God will meet all your needs – you can be sure of it
presdata.adminWhat can we be sure of for 2017? I can send you a New Year’s card with the most sincere expression of goodwill: wishing you the happiest year, seeking better outcomes for you and hoping...
When the King comes to stay …
presdata.adminEverywhere around us, in shopping centres, on city streets and lavishly decorated private homes, it’s unmistakably Christmas. It’s a season that brings change to our routine, sounds of summer sport, family meals and holidays. When...
Light Trumps Darkness
presdata.adminLight trumps darkness Reformation trumps Halloween. In fact it’s no contest. For reasons unclear to me we’re being enticed by a dark festival of American origins that brings stocks of evil and bizarre to shelves...
Report from the 2016 General Assembly of Australia
presdata.adminThe triennial meeting of the General Assembly of Australia testified to our fundamental unity around the truth of God’s Word and the power of Christ’s gospel. It’s time to reflect and review a most excellent...
PCA re-affirms the biblical view of marriage
presdata.adminWednesday evening saw the reaffirmation of the Presbyterian Church of Australia’s resolute commitment to uphold the biblical and traditional view of marriage. The Presbyterian Church has always believed and still believes that marriage is the...
Last Speech
presdata.adminThis is my last column for the website. At the General Assembly of Australia I will report on the state of the denomination, as I see it. Maxine and I are very grateful for the...
The Bolt Report
presdata.adminOn Wednesday, 24th August, I agreed to appear and be interviewed on the Bolt Report on the Sky news channel, regarding same sex marriage. The interview was about 10 minutes of which Andrew Bolt took...
A Sovereign Protector
presdata.admin“A Sovereign Protector I have….. “ The book of Esther is surely a unique piece of literature. Xerxes, the King of Persia, is a named over 100 times; Mordecai, who was to become Xerxes’ Prime...
Our Father knows best
presdata.adminTucked away in the catalogue of sins resulting from humankind’s rejection of God, are the words, “they disobey their parents” (Romans 1:30). Children are part of the church, Paul expected them to be present when...
Team Australia? Yes and No!
presdata.adminPauline Hanson and now Sonia Kruger have called for curbs to be placed on Muslim migration levels into Australia. I believe the concern of each has been a seeming lack of integration of Muslims into...
One True God
presdata.adminGenesis 1 records God speaking (‘And God said’,’Then God said) on ten occassions, calling creation into being. In Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 5, the same speaking God utters ten words ( the ten commandments) by...
Social Media – Enemy or Friend
presdata.adminThere is no use complaining about social media. Like wealth, it is here to stay. Like wealth, it is very useful. When I left SMBC in 2011, the student body presented me with an iPad....
Nine weeks on the road
presdata.adminI am about to come home after nine weeks away: three weeks in the US and England, speaking at Bible by the Beach in Eastbourne, at the Sussex Gospel partnership and at a church plant,...
100, 500 Years
presdata.adminThere is a college in Oxford dating back to 1379 which has the audacity of being called, New College. Travelling in the UK, one has a sense of one’s own mortality being surrounded by buildings...
John Charles Chapman (Chappo)
presdata.adminChappo died at age 82 in November, 2012. He was a friend to many, an excellent preacher, an able theologian, but first and foremost, he was a fine evangelist. In 1969, John became the Director...
Voting on July 2
presdata.adminThe Sermon on the Mount is not a list of duties for us to tick off, rather they are the qualities which have God’s tick of approval, these are the ways His redeemed are to...
You won’t be late
presdata.adminI have had punctuality bred into me, even now, if I am meeting my sisters, I know they will be at least 10 minutes early and sometimes I am even earlier. Some people are habitually...
Wee Waa NSW 2388
presdata.adminWee Waa’s boom years were the mid 1960’s to the mid 1980’s, there was plenty of water, and cotton, as an Australian industry, was in its infancy. American farmers led by Paul Kahl and Frank...
Spider Man
presdata.adminWe only watch quality TV at our place and so, were saddened at the concluding of the series, ‘Im a celebrity get me out of here’. We became involved in the lives of the celebrities...
Two Worlds
presdata.adminI live in Sydney, a beautiful city, what a pleasure to show friends from overseas around the harbour, the beaches and the mountains. And yet, like all believers, my home is the eternal city which...
Malcolm in the Middle
presdata.adminOn Friday 12 February, at the invitation of the Australian Christian Lobby, I joined a delegation to meet Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnbull, in his Sydney office. It was agreed that we confine our remarks to...
Preaching at a conference called Sweatcon
presdata.adminI am starting 2016 preaching at a conference called Sweatcon, being held in the south western suburbs of Sydney. The theme of the conference is, Discipleship in Mission and I will be speaking on Jesus’...
500 Year Anniversary
presdata.adminIn October, 2017 we will celebrate the 500th Anniversary of Martin Luther’s attachment of his 95 theses for debate, to the large doors of Wittenberg Cathedral in Germany. Luther, an Augustinian monk, had felt the...
David Morrison, Australian of the Year 2016
presdata.adminThe citation said that General Morrison was selected for his commitment to “gender equality, diversity and inclusion”. During the preamble to the presentation of his award, it was noted that Mr Morrison is now chair...