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Those fires!

Bruce Meller

Those fires As I write, Los Angeles burns. Initial figures are staggering. Upwards of 24 people are dead, 180,000 are evacuated, 10,000 properties destroyed, billion dollar bills escalate, and there is untold damage to fauna,...

That troublesome resurrection

Bruce Meller

That troublesome resurrection The resurrection of Jesus Christ is troublesome for many. The apostles struggled to believe it (Mrk 16:13-14; Lke 24:8-12, 13-25). The Jewish religious leaders rejected the message that ended with resurrection (eg....

Call to Prayer


Our news screens have recently been dominated  by stories of the attacks on Israel and the response from Israel. We may feel helpless, but we can do that most practical thing and pray to our...

Our Services of Worship


The longest, and most contested debate at the September 2023 meeting of the General Assembly was about services of worship. Specifically: can a service of worship include an acknowledgement of country. The Assembly readily acknowledged...

Everything in its Season


Life under the sun, without God, is ‘habel’, which is a Hebrew word which describes what is ‘vanity’, ‘meaningless’, or ‘vaporous’ (Eccles.1:2-3). The Christian will have his moments, but the same book of Scripture says...

Christ Divides


It is a startling and counter-intuitive thought that Christ Jesus came into the world to usher in hostility and trouble and controversy. Surely we have enough of that already. Yet He tells us clearly that...

Where are we headed?


In the postscript to C S Lewis’ classic (Screwtape Letters), the senior devil proposes a toast at the annual dinner of the Tempters’ Training College for young devils. With tongue-in-cheek satire, Lewis makes some amazing...

Forty-forty vision


Thursday 22nd June marks forty years of a refocused and refreshed church. The Presbyterian Church of Australia (PCA) is almost unrecognisable from what it was in the 1960s. I suggest each congregation might pause during...

Last Speech


This is my last column for the website. At the General Assembly of Australia I will report on the state of the denomination, as I see it. Maxine and I are very grateful for the...

The Bolt Report


On Wednesday, 24th August, I agreed to appear and be interviewed on the Bolt Report on the Sky news channel, regarding same sex marriage. The interview was about 10 minutes of which Andrew Bolt took...

Our Father knows best


Tucked away in the catalogue of sins resulting from humankind’s rejection of God, are the words, “they disobey their parents” (Romans 1:30). Children are part of the church, Paul expected them to be present when...

One True God


Genesis 1 records God speaking (‘And God said’,’Then God said) on ten occassions, calling creation into being. In Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 5, the same speaking God utters ten words ( the ten commandments) by...

100, 500 Years


There is a college in Oxford dating back to 1379 which has the audacity of being called, New College. Travelling in the UK, one has a sense of one’s own mortality being surrounded by buildings...

Wee Waa NSW 2388


Wee Waa’s boom years were the mid 1960’s to the mid 1980’s, there was plenty of water, and cotton, as an Australian industry, was in its infancy. American farmers led by Paul Kahl and Frank...

Spider Man


We only watch quality TV at our place and so, were saddened at the concluding of the series, ‘Im a celebrity get me out of here’. We became involved in the lives of the celebrities...

Two Worlds


I live in Sydney, a beautiful city, what a pleasure to show friends from overseas around the harbour, the beaches and the mountains. And yet, like all believers, my home is the eternal city which...

500 Year Anniversary


In October, 2017 we will celebrate the 500th Anniversary of Martin Luther’s attachment of his 95 theses for debate, to the large doors of Wittenberg Cathedral in Germany. Luther, an Augustinian monk, had felt the...

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